Customer Testimonials

“Our motto says, ‘we will exceed the expectations of all those who enter our gates’ Amerimacs has installed a business ethic that matches our own”

— Steve Oakey, Purchasing Manager, Forest Lawn President, Natl Assoc of Purchasing Managers SFV


“Ten years ago, we chose Amerimacs to be our managed print services vendor over some national and LA-based MPS providers. They impressed us then and they continue to impress me every day.”

— Jim Nicholson, IT Director, Galpin Motors



Amerimacs is the one-stop source for all of our customers’ print-related needs. Period. Our philosophy is to develop a personal, hands-on relationship with our customers and always give more than expected. Unlike printer manufacturers or local copier sales companies who just go for the one-time sale and don’t take the time to “know” the customers, Amerimacs creates an in-depth partnership with our customers – we understand and provide for their needs, both short term and long term. By working with Amerimacs, our customers get not only outstanding hardware, software and service, but also operational efficiencies, cost savings and, most importantly, peace of mind.




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